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There is a FAKE alex :O

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There is  a FAKE alex :O Empty There is a FAKE alex :O

Post  {DxP}SNAKE Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:39 am

LISTEN everyone.......there is a fake {DxP}{eGo}ALEX....i no who it is ventura.........he is using alex`s name so BE CARFUL and TRY not to be tricked..............................................,ventura came with alex`s name on to DxP server,he told me to come to wunderland server........i came thinking it was alex,then at wunderland server he told me he was ventura and not to go to dxp ego server,he then said he was stealing alex`s name because alex hacked venturas P.C and wiped his family photos..........................DONT BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!ALEX DIDNT AND VENTURA IS LYING!!!!!!!btw fake alex is BANNED from EDH server:).it might also be somone whos is pretending to be ventura pretending to be alex Razz. the I.P of the person is the same as PAPS

be carful......cya Very Happy


Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-02-21

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