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Administator and administator's power

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Administator and administator's power Vote_lcap50%Administator and administator's power Vote_rcap 50% 
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Administator and administator's power Vote_lcap50%Administator and administator's power Vote_rcap 50% 
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Total Votes : 2
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Administator and administator's power Empty Administator and administator's power

Post  {DxP}{eGo}Alex Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:40 pm

The server is, in 90% of the times, free-admin. I going to install a new dll to log corretly and exatly what is happening in the server.

Will be not tolerad (results in warn, kick, lose administator login):
Tantalus in players...
Admin set servername, adminlogin, player names... (it is going to be called and knowed like an ''attack'' to the server, tolerable 1 time, if still doing it, kick, ban, adminlogin losed....)
Ghost, fly or god in front of normal players ( it is the most important and most violated server rule!, warn, warn and kick, loses adminpower too)
Spawnmasser and ''heavy summoners'' can be called serverattackers if they dont stop after 3 warns, results in kick and adminpower losed...

IT IS OBLIGATION TO ALL PLAYERS, INCLUDING ME (except by hoster motives like new server name, but never attacking any player)! affraid

Administator and administator's power Dxplog10

Posts : 60
Join date : 2008-08-16

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